Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Here are some more pictures!!

Kaylee has been such a big helper!!! and when I say big I mean big. Most of the time it is of course to much help! But i guess some is better then none.

We got this gift from a family friend and they gave Madyson a new bow!! Well i tried it on her just to see what it looks like. What do you all think??????
It is a very cute bow I must say. But I think my little girls head is to small!! Maybe in a few months it will look a little better. Madyson is now 4 weeks old! Time flies when you are staying at home with kids. It will be hard to go back to work. I still have 6 weeks though!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Madyson Leigh Checketts

She is here!!! 4 weeks early but she is doing great. She arrived on July 1st at 6:46 p.m. She weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long.
She had to stay in the NICU for a day so these pictures are of her there. When she came out her oxygen level was low so they kept her there to monitor her. She does have alot of hair!!!!!
This is after her first bath at home. Needless to say she didn't like it very much!!! but she got over it pretty quick.
My friends at work gave me and her a gift card to a photographer so we are going on Saturday to get those done! I am so excited! Thanks again girls for the gift!

My Family

My Family

Brian's Family

Brian's Family