Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Update

It has been a little crazy at the Checketts house. Last week Kaylee got sick. She is doing better just has the gross cough still. Over the weekend we started to remodel our bathroom. (Actually Brian is remodeling the bathroom. I have just helped here and there but he has done most of it.) It is turning out really nice. I will post some pictures when it is complete. And to sum it up I am now getting sick. I am trying to fight it the best I can. All i can say is it will be nice to have this pregnancy over with!! Speaking of the baby things are going good with that! We will be going in on March 12 to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. I can't wait to find out!! Still hoping for a boy but will be just as excited if we get a girl. There is just a quick little update about what is going on with us.

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